
Utilities: 800-881-4109

Hours: M–F 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Board of Trustees

March 17, 2025 Regular Meeting Meeting Agenda


Regular Meeting

March 17, 2025

6:30 p.m.




Call to Order:




Pledge of Allegiance:


Roll Call:


Call to the Public (Public comment must be addressed to the Chairperson and will be limited to three minutes per person) *:


Approval of Consent Agenda:

1)      Payment of Bills:  March 17, 2025


2)      Request to approve the March 3, 2025 meeting minutes


Approval of Regular Agenda:

3)      Public hearing and consideration of recommendations for approval of the rezoning Ordinance Number Z-25-04, environmental impact assessment, planned unit development (PUD) agreement, and conceptual PUD plan to rezone 127.57 acres from Agriculture (AG) to Low-Density Residential (LDR) with Residential Planned Unit Development overlay (RPUD) to allow for a proposed 55-unit single-family site condominium development located at the northwest corner of Challis Road and Bauer Road. The proposed rezoning is for the following parcels:  4711-23-400-008, 4711-23-400-007, 4711-23-400-001 and 4711-23-300-003 and the request is submitted by Pulte Homes of Michigan.

        A)    Call to the Public

        B)    Disposition of Rezoning Ordinance Number Z-25-04 (Roll Call, requires 2/3 vote)

        C)    Disposition of Environmental Impact Assessment (3-05-25)

        D)    Disposition of PUD Agreement

        E)     Disposition of Conceptual PUD plan (3-05-25)


4)      Request for approval of year-end budget amendments for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 involving budget fund numbers: 101, 202, 208, 212, 249, 401, 402, 464, and 532. (Roll Call)


5)      Consideration of a request to add an additional full-time employee for a Clerk’s Assistant position within the Clerks Department. 

6)      Request to approve a project agreement with the Livingston County Road Commission to reconstruct approximately 0.43 miles of Euler Road from Grand River Avenue to the end of pavement through the Pavement Preservation Program (PPP) with the Township’s cost up to 50% of the project costs, not to exceed $125,000 from Road Improvement Fund #401-446-812-008.


7)      Request to approve a project agreement with the Livingston County Road Commission to reconstruct approximately 0.63 miles of Herbst Road from Dorr Road to the end of pavement through the Pavement Preservation Program (PPP) with the Township’s cost up to 50% of the project costs, not to exceed $147,500 from Road Improvement Fund #401-446-812-013.


8)      Request to approve a project agreement with the Livingston County Road Commission for limestone resurfacing, tree work, limited drainage and other necessary related work for approximately 5,165 feet of Beck Road from Chilson Road to Fisk Road with the Township’s cost not to exceed $147,000 from Road Improvement Fund #401-446-812-010.


9)      Request to approve a project agreement with the Livingston County Road Commission for limestone resurfacing, tree work, limited drainage and other necessary related work for approximately 7,440 feet of Crooked Lake Road from Chilson Road to Fisk Road with the Township’s cost not to exceed $181,000 from Road Improvement Fund #401-446-812-011.


Items for Discussion:


10)   Discussion of a document shredding event s as submitted by Trustee Hovarter



Board Comments

*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.

