On February 3, 2025, the Township Board approved the start of the update process. This timeline is roughly 10-12 months and meeting dates, along with opportunities for community participation, will be posted here soon!
The process will begin with updating data and meeting with the Planning Commission to discuss goals/objectives and understand conditions in the study area.
For more information, please visit the Genoa Township Master Plan update page at: https://engage.giffelswebster.com/genoa-township-master-plan-update
THE MASTER PLAN IS A GUIDING DOCUMENT and the culmination of over three years of dedicated work by the community. Elected and appointed officials of Genoa Township, Township staff, Township consultants, and the Livingston County Planning Department were all involved in its creation. Citizen participation in public workshops and multiple public hearings also provided an important source of input during the process.
The finalized plan was adopted by the Genoa Township Planning Commission on February 13, 2023; the Genoa Township Board of Trustees adopted it thereafter on April 17, 2023.
All documents are in pdf format. If you can not open pdf documents, you might not have pdf software on your computer. The software is free and is available here.
Find the entire Master Plan document here (136 pgs) or at right.
The Future Land Use Map is available here or at right. Individual sections are below or at right.
Maps are included in each pdf.
Occasional blank pages support 2-sided printing.
Purpose of the Master Plan (pg. i)
Summary of 2023 Master Plan (pg. ii)
History and Regional Setting (pg. 1.1)
Demographics (pg. 1.13)
Economy and Workforce (pg. 1.19)
Community Facilities (pg. 1.27)
Natural Features (pg. 1.35)
Existing Land Use (pg. 1.51)
Public Input Summary (pg. 2.1)
Market Assessment Summary (pg. 2.10)
Goals and Objectives (pg. 2.14)
Future Land Use Plan (pg. 3.1)
Housing Plan (pg. 3.10)
Commercial Corridor Redevelopment (pg. 3.23)
Complete Streets (pg. 3.41)
Sustainability & Resiliency (pg. 3.50)
Zoning Plan .(pg. 4.1)
Action Strategies (pg. 4.4)
I-96/Latson Interchange Subarea Plan (2013) (pg. A.1)
Livingston County High-Quality Natural Areas Assessment Maps (pg. A.11)