All residential homes have household garbage removed by Waste Management, which is contracted through the Township. Genoa Township residents will pay $190.00 on your winter tax bill for this service. This cost is reviewed and set annually by the Township Board during the budget process. You can visit the Waste Management website to learn more about what kinds of refuse Waste Management collects and if special requirements are needed. Please arrange to have freon removed from any items BEFORE they are placed out for pickup.
Simply place your refuse out on your scheduled day using your assigned Waste Management 96-gallon cart to start using the service. You can find a map showing your pickup date here. All refuse items must fit into the cart. You can call Waste Management at 810-201-5576 to find your Trash Collection Day. If you have any problems with your garbage pickup, please call Waste Management at 810-201-5576 or you can contact the Township at 810-227-5225.
Waste Management will provide every resident with a recycling cart for your recycling. Please contact Waste Management at 810-201-5576 if you do not receive your recycling cart. Recycling is picked up every week with your regular garbage on your assigned pickup day. You can find a map showing your pickup date here.
A bulk item for garbage pick-up is anything too big to fit into your garbage can. One bulk item can be placed out each week for pickup on your assigned pickup day. Any items that have fabric on them (mattresses, furniture, etc) must be fully wrapped in plastic or they will not be collected. You can find a map showing your pickup date here.
Our Yard Waste Collection program schedules two Spring and two Fall dates for Yard Waste Drop Off Collections at the Genoa Charter Township Hall. The Collection times are from 8am to 11am. Please check the front page of our website for dates.
Please bring your leaves, small brush and other natural yard waste to the Township Hall on those dates for recycling. Please bring all branches in 3 foot long bundles. The Township encourages the use of brown paper yard waste bags. Any plastic bags used to bring yard waste will be returned to the owner.
You can also call Waste Management to have yard waste pick-up at your home. Please call them directly at 810-201-5576 to arrange this service. The Waste Management website will NOT work for scheduling yard waste pick up due to the Township having a specific contract to provide this service.
Another place you can take your yard waste for composting:
Tuthill Farms & Composting
10505 Tuthill Rd.
South Lyon
(734) 449-8100
They accept leaves, grass clippings, brush, wood chips, manure, Christmas trees, and stumps. Call for prices and hours or visit their website at: