
Utilities: 800-881-4109

Hours: M–F 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Stormwater Management

What is Stormwater?

Stormwater is the rainfall or snowmelt that flows over our yards, streets, parking lots, and buildings and either enters the storm drain system or runs directly into a lake or stream.

What is a storm drain?

Storm drains are the openings you see along curbs and in streets and parking lots. They carry away rainwater and snowmelt and transport it through the system to nearby lakes and streams. Water and other debris that enter storm drains do not go a treatment facility.

Why is Stormwater important?

As stormwater flows over lawns, driveways, and parking lots it picks up fertilizers, oil, chemicals, grass clippings, litter, pet waste, and anything else in its path. The storm drain system then transports these pollutants, now in the water, to local lakes and streams. Anything that goes into a storm drain eventually ends up in a lake or stream.

Where does Stormwater in Genoa Township go?

Genoa Township is comprised of land in both the Shiawassee and Huron River watersheds. This means that anywhere in the Township, all of the water under or on a particular piece of the land drains to either the Shiawassee or Huron River. Generally, the northwest half of the Township belongs to the Shiawassee River Watershed, while the southeast half drains to the Huron River.

What can you do to help protect Stormwater?

Become aware and get involved. Check out the Links section of this page for some great resources and sources of information on Watershed Planning and Stormwater management. Also, watch for announcements on the Township website, in the newsletter and in the local paper for ways to get involved in the Watershed Planning process. Public participation is a vital part of the process and volunteers are essential to helping us to reduce pollution and improve water quality.

Related Web Links
Huron River Watershed Council (HRWC): Huron River Watershed Council (HRWC):
Official website of the Watershed Council.
Livingston County - Drain Commissioner: Livingston County - Drain Commissioner:
Homepage offering information on stormwater drainage, lake management, hazardous waste disposal, and wastewater treatment. The Drain Commissioner deals almost exclusively with issues that directly or indirectly affect water quality.
Livingston County Solid Waste Management: Livingston County Solid Waste Management:
Get information on where to dispose of household hazardous wastes, automotive fluids and yard waste items.
Livingston County - MSU Extension: Livingston County - MSU Extension:
Website to the County's MSU cooperative extension office which offers educational programs and resources in natural resources, horticulture, 4-H/youth development, community economic development, family nutrition, home economics, land use and agriculture.
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ): Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ):
Homepage of the State of Michigan's Department of Environmental Quality.
MDEQ - Wellhead Protection Program: MDEQ - Wellhead Protection Program:
This program assists local communities utilizing groundwater for their municipal drinking water supply systems in protecting their water source. A Wellhead Protection Plan (WHPP) minimizes the potential for contamination by identifying and protecting the area that contributes water to municipal water supply wells and avoids costly groundwater clean-ups.
Rain Gardens of West Michigan: Rain Gardens of West Michigan:
Rain Gardens of West Michigan is an environmental education program focused on stormwater education, and on the values of using rain gardens and native plants in the landscape to improve urban and suburban water quality.