Tax payments can be made online with a credit card or electronic check or by mail with a check or at the Township offices by cash or check. Please make checks out to Genoa Township.
Partial payments toward your summer taxes can be made at anytime between July 1st and February 28th and partial payments toward you winter taxes can be made between December 1st and February 28th.
Please contact the Treasurer's Office at (810) 227-5225 or check the tax database on our website for a current amount due.
Online payments can be made by credit card or electronic check. Credit Card payments will be charged a convenience fee of approximately 3%. Electronic check payments are charged a flat fee of $3.00 per transaction.
View or Pay your Property Taxes
No utility payments can be accepted through the above link
View or Pay your Water or Sewer Bill. No credit card fees are assessed for online utility bill payments.
No tax payments can be accepted through the above link