Regular Meeting
July 15, 2024
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person) *:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills: July 15, 2024
2. Request to approve the June 1, 2024 regular meeting minutes.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
3. Public Hearing on the proposed Special Assessment Roll for the Lakewood Knoll Subdivision Road Rehabilitation Special Assessment Project (Winter 2024).
A. Call to the Property Owners
B. Call to the Public
4. Request for approval of Resolution #5 Confirming the Special Assessment Roll for the proposed Lakewood Knoll Subdivision Road Rehabilitation Special Assessment Project (Winter 2024). (Roll Call)
5. Consideration of amendments to the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget as follows:
A. Fund 202 – “SAD Roads and Lakes” to create a new Department #498 for the Lakewood Knoll Road Rehabilitation project with new line items as follows:
i. New revenue line items: 202-498-628-005 for SAD Principle in the amount of $57,900 and 202-498-665-001 for Interest in the amount of $5,790.
ii. New appropriation line item 202-498-801-075 in the amount of $1,014,000.
B. Fund 202 – “SAD Roads and Lakes” to create a new appropriation line item 202-852-999-402 for Department #852 “Transfer to Other Funds” for the Township contribution to the Pine Creek Road Improvement project in the amount of $413,550.
6. Request to approve a project agreement with the Livingston County Road Commission for the Lakewood Knoll Road Rehabilitation project with the Township’s cost not to exceed $1,010,000 from SAD Fund #202-498-801-075.
7. Request for approval of Resolution #1 to Proceed with the Project and Direct Preparation of the Plans and Cost Estimates for the Milroy Lane and Mystic Lake Drive Road Rehabilitation Special Assessment Project (Winter Tax 2024). (Roll Call)
8. Request for approval of Resolution #2 to Approve the Project, Schedule the First Hearing for August 5, 2024, and Direct Issuance of Statutory Notices for the Milroy Lane and Mystic Lake Drive Road Rehabilitation Special Assessment Project (Winter Tax 2024). (Roll Call)
9. Request for approval of Resolution #1 to Proceed with the Project and Direct Preparation of the Plans and Cost Estimates for the Earl Lake Aquatic Weed Control Project (Winter Tax 2024). (Roll Call)
10. Request for approval of Resolution #2 to Approve the Project, Schedule the First Hearing for August 5, 2024, and Direct Issuance of Statutory Notices for the Earl Lake Aquatic Weed Control Project (Winter Tax 2024). (Roll Call)
11. Request for approval of per diems and hourly rates for all poll workers and temporary staff scheduled for the August and November Primary and General Elections as recommended by the Election Commission.
12. Request for approval of a Modification to the Amended and Restated Utility Services Agreement with the MHOG Sewer and Water Authority, the Genoa-Oceola Sewer and Water Authority, Howell Township, and Genoa Charter Township for use of the 30x40 and 40x48 pole buildings at 6132 Crooked Lake Road for a period of 10 years with an annual rent of $16,000 payable to Genoa Charter Township.
13. Consideration of amendments to the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget to create a new fund #402 for the Pine Creek Road Improvement Construction Fund.
14. Discussion regarding guidelines for content to be included on the Township Website.
Member Discussion
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.