
Utilities: 800-881-4109

Hours: M–F 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Board of Trustees

June 3, 2024 Regular Meeting Meeting Agenda


Regular Meeting

June 3, 2024

6:30 p.m.



Call to Order:


Pledge of Allegiance:


Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person) *:


Approval of Consent Agenda:


1.      Payment of Bills:  June 3, 2024


2.      Request to approve the May 20, 2024 regular meeting minutes.


Approval of Regular Agenda:


3.      Public Hearing on the proposed Grand Ravines Subdivision (Debora Drive) Road Rehabilitation Special Assessment Project (Winter 2024).

A.    Call to the Property Owners

B.     Call to the Public


4.      Request for approval of Resolution #3 Approving the Project Cost Estimates, Special Assessment District and causing the Special Assessment Roll to be prepared for the Grand Ravines Subdivision (Debora Drive) Road Rehabilitation Special Assessment Project (Winter 2024). (Roll Call)


5.      Request for approval of Resolution #4 Acknowledging the filing of the Special Assessment Roll, Scheduling the Second Hearing for June 17, 2024, and Directing the Issuance of Statutory Notices for the Grand Ravines Subdivision (Debora Drive) Road Rehabilitation Special Assessment Project (Winter 2024). (Roll Call)


6.      Request for approval of Resolution #1 to Proceed with the Project and Direct Preparation of the Plans and Cost Estimates for the Lakewood Knoll Subdivision Road Rehabilitation Special Assessment Project (Winter 2024). (Roll Call)


7.      Request for approval of Resolution #2 to Approve the Project, Schedule the First Hearing for June 17, 2024, and Direct Issuance of Statutory Notices for the Lakewood Knoll Subdivision Road Rehabilitation Special Assessment Project (Winter 2024). (Roll Call)


8.         Request for approval of Resolution #6 Bond Authorizing Resolution for the Pine Creek Ridge Road Improvement Special Assessment District.  (Roll Call)


9.        Request to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Lake Villas of Pine Creek for their contribution to the Pine Creek Ridge Road Improvement Project. 


    10.      Request to approve a project agreement with the Livingston County Road Commission to reconstruct the roads within the Pine Creek Ridge Subdivision consisting of approximately 5.45 miles with the Township’s cost not to exceed $4,210,000.


    11.  Request for approval of a fireworks display on Lake Chemung on June 29, 2024 as submitted by Chris Bonk.


    12.  Closed session to consider the purchase of real property pursuant to MCL 15.268(1)(d).

    A.    Consider motion to enter into closed session to consider the purchase of real property pursuant to MCL 15.268(1)(d)). (roll call)

    B.     Consider motion to conclude the closed session and return to open session. (roll call)



    Member Discussion



    *Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.