
Utilities: 800-881-4109

Hours: M–F 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Board of Trustees

May 6, 2024 Regular Meeting Meeting Agenda


Regular Meeting

May 6, 2024

6:30 p.m.



Call to Order:


Pledge of Allegiance:


Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person) *:


Approval of Consent Agenda:


1.      Payment of Bills:  May 6, 2024


2.      Request to approve the April 15, 2024 regular meeting minutes.


Approval of Regular Agenda:


3.      Consideration of a recommendation for approval of an environmental impact assessment dated March 19, 2024 associated with a site plan for a proposed building addition and related façade, parking and site improvements for an existing multi-tenant shopping center.  The property is located at 3599 and 3669 Grand River Avenue, north side of Grand River Avenue, west of Latson Road. The request is petitioned by Symmetry Management.


4.      Consideration of a recommendation for approval of an environmental impact assessment dated April 9, 2024 associated with a site plan amendment for revisions to the previously approved site grading on a 4.32-acre parcel (4711-06-200-101) on the north side of Grand River Avenue, just west of Char-Ann Drive. The request is petitioned by Chestnut Development.


5.      Request for approval of Resolution #5D, the fourth (4th) amendment to Resolution #5 for the Pine Creek Ridge Road Improvement Special Assessment District to increase the assessment amount to include legal fees, and to move the project from the Summer 2024 to the Winter 2024 tax roll. (Roll Call)


6.      Request for approval of a Cropland Agreement for 2024 with Cathy and Tim Esper to maintain the historical agricultural use of 51 acres of fields located on parcel 4711-23-100-005 with revenue to be placed in Parks and Recreation Fund line item #208-000-434-001. 


7.      Discussion regarding Great Start Livingston StoryWalk installation at the Township park.




Member Discussion



*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.