FEBRUARY 20, 2024
6:30 P.M.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Conflict of Interest:
Approval of Agenda:
Call to the Public: (Please Note: The Board will not begin any new business after 10:00 p.m)
1. 24-08…A request by Robert Dow of Ventures Design, 5425 Wildwood Drive, for a side and waterfront yard setback variance and any other variance deemed necessary by the Zoning Board of Appeals, to allow an existing covered patio on an existing home.
2. 24-09…A request by Nancy Dykema, 4053 Homestead Drive, for side yard setback variance and a height variance and any other variance deemed necessary by the Zoning Board of Appeals, to build a new home.
3. 24-10…A request by MITTS LLC, 5776 E. grand River Avenue, for a front yard setback variance and any other variance deemed necessary by the Zoning Board of Appeals, to allow barrier-free parking near the building entrance.
Administrative Business:
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented. Anyone speaking on an agenda item will be limited to 2 minutes.