Regular Meeting
March 4, 2024
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person) *:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills: March 4, 2024
2. Request to approve February 19, 2024 regular meeting minutes.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
3. Request for approval of the DPW Department Fiscal Year 2025 System Labor and Equipment Percentage Allocation, the Amended Utility Department Budget for Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2024, and the proposed Utility Department Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2025.
4. Consideration of a recommendation for approval of the special land use application, environmental impact assessment and site plan to use the existing building at 2464 Dorr Road (formerly occupied by Humane Society) as a philanthropic or non-profit center to assist individuals with social needs. The property is located on the west side of Dorr Road, north of I-96 on parcel #4711-15-200-019 and the request is petitioned by The Salvation Army of Livingston County.
A. Disposition of Special Use Application
B. Disposition of Environmental Impact Assessment (12-11-23)
C. Disposition of Site Plan (dated 1-19-24, revised 02-20-24)
5. Consideration of a recommendation for approval of the environmental impact assessment and site plan for a proposed car wash with 2 automatic bays, 4 self-service bays and 5 vacuum stations located within the existing Genoa Outlots PUD. The property is located on a vacant 1.39-acre site (parcel#4711-09-200-028), southwest corner of Grand River Avenue and Lawson Drive. The request is petitioned by Springborn Properties.
A. Disposition of Environmental Impact Assessment (1-23-24)
B. Disposition of Site Plan (2-26-24)
6. Consideration of a recommendation for approval of the environmental impact assessment dated November 29, 2023 corresponding to the site plan for reconstruction of the Faulkwood Shores Clubhouse building located at 300 S. Hughes Road, west side of S. Hughes Road, north of Arrow Drive. The request is petitioned by Singh Development, LLC.
7. Consideration of a recommendation for approval of the environmental impact assessment dated December 13, 2023 corresponding to the site plan for an expansion, remodel and exterior site improvements for the existing Arby’s Restaurant located at 3639 E. Grand River Avenue, between Grand Oaks Drive and Cleary Drive. The request is petitioned Chew Inc, dba Arby’s.
8. Consider approval of a contract extension between Economic Development Council of Livingston County and Genoa Charter Township.
9. Review and approval of general appropriation of funds for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2024 and ending March 31, 2025 for budget fund numbers: 101, 202, 208, 212, 249, 401, 464 and 532.
10. Request for approval of Resolution 240304A - 2024-2025 General Appropriations Act Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning April 1, 2024 and ending March 31, 2025. (Roll Call)
11. Request for approval of Resolution 240304B - Wages and Salaries for Appointed Officials. (Roll Call)
12. Request for approval of Resolution 240304C - Salaries for Elected Officials. (Roll Call)
13. Request to approve project agreements with the Livingston County Road Commission for gravel and limestone road resurfacing projects from Road Improvement Fund # 401-446-812-004 as follows:
A. Euler Road: Improve approximately 4,900 feet of Euler Road from the end of the payment to McClements Road for gravel resurfacing with limited drainage and necessary related work with the Township’s cost not to exceed $90,000.
B. Kellogg Road: Improve approximately 5,370 feet of Kellogg Road from Golf Club Road to McClements Road for limestone resurfacing with limited drainage and necessary related work with the Township’s cost not to exceed $125,000.
C. Kellogg Road: Improve approximately 6,065 feet of Kellogg Road from Grand River Avenue to McClements Road for gravel resurfacing with limited drainage and necessary related work with the Township’s cost not to exceed $105,000.
D. McClements Road: Improve approximately 5,472 feet of McClements Road from Kellogg Road to Hacker Road for limestone resurfacing with limited drainage and necessary related work with the Township’s cost not to exceed $127,000 from Road Improvement Fund # 401-446-812-005.
14. Request for approval of three proposals from Spruce Homes and Hardscapes to remove the existing wood handrails and replace them with Trex composite handrails for the Brighton Road and Bauer Road bike paths at a cost not to exceed $26,000 from Parks and Recreation, Boardwalk/Railing Improvement Fund #208-751-934-011.
15. Request for approval of a proposal from Wingman Pest Control to perform pest management treatment and prevention at the Township Hall at a cost not to exceed $12,446.50 from General Fund, Building and Grounds, Repairs and Maintenance Fund #101-265-934-060.
Member Discussion
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.