Regular Meeting
October 16, 2023
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person) *:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills: October 16, 2023
2. Request to approve October 2, 2023 regular meeting minutes.
3. Request to approve an updated list of poll workers for the Nov. 7, 2023 Howell School Election as recommended by the Election Commission.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
4. Request for approval of the proposed 2024 Howell Area Parks and Recreation Authority budget with a 3.8% CPI increase to the Township contribution from $120,000 to $124,500 as presented by Tim Church, HAPRA Director.
5. Request for review and consideration for approval of the Enhanced Access to Public Records Policy and fee schedule.
6. Request for approval of the Solid Waste Services Agreement dated November 1, 2023 between Waste Management of Michigan, Inc. and Genoa Charter Township.
7. Request for approval of the purchase of real property (parcel 4711-23-100-002) consisting of 23.05 acres located at 6132 Crooked Lake Road in an amount not to exceed $450,000 plus closing costs.
Member Discussion
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.