Regular Meeting
September 18, 2023
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person) *:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills: September 18, 2023
2. Request to approve August 21, 2023 regular meeting minutes.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
3. Public Hearing on the proposed Crystal Valley Subdivision Road Improvement Special Assessment Project (Summer Tax 2024).
A. Call to the Property Owners
B. Call to the Public
4. Request for approval of Resolution #5 Confirming the Special Assessment Roll for the Crystal Valley Subdivision Road Improvement Special Assessment Project (Summer Tax 2024). (roll call)
5. Request from the Township Clerk for approval of the July 20, 2023 recommendations of the Election Commission for the per diems and hourly rates for temporary election officials.
6. Request for approval of Resolution #5A to amend Resolution #5 for the Timberview Private Drive Road Improvement Project to levy the project on the Winter 2023 tax bill. (roll call)
7. Consideration of amendments to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget for Fund 202 – “SAD Roads and Lakes” revenue line items to zero (0) line item 202-476-628-005 for Timberview (W17-22) because the project was completed last year and to add a new Department 495 for the Timberview Private Drive Road Improvement project with associated SAD Principal (202-495-628-005) of $3,795 and SAD Interest (202-495-665-001) of $759.
8. Review of proposed parking lot and pickleball layout and consideration of a request to approve a professional services proposal from Tetra Tech dated August 15, 2023 for engineering services for an amount not to exceed $8,300 from Fund 208-751-934-006.
9. Request for approval of an amendment to the Agreement for Residential Solid Waste Collection Services to extend the term of the existing agreement from September 30, 2023 to October 31, 2023 to allow the Township Attorney and staff time to review the updated services agreement associated with the Waste Management contract renewal.
10. Consider request to increase the residential parcel cost for solid waste collection services from $163.00 to $175.00 and to amend the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget for Fund 101, Revenue Line Item 101-000-631-000 for “Refuse Collection Fees” from $1,175,000 to $1,270,000.
11. Request to regretfully accept the resignation of Trustee Jim Mortensen and request that the Township Clerk prepare and present to the Board at the next meeting a Resolution honoring Mr. Mortensen for his many years of invaluable service to the Township.
12. Consider request to remove Jeff Dhaenens from the Planning Commission and nominate and appoint him to serve the remainder of the term of Trustee Mortensen on the Board of Trustees.
13. Consider request to remove Greg Rassel from the Zoning Board of Appeals and appoint him to the Planning Commission to replace and serve the remainder of the term of Jeff Dhaenens as recommended by the Township Supervisor.
14. Consider request to remove Craig Fons as the Zoning Board of Appeals alternate and to appoint him to replace and serve the remainder of the term of Greg Rassel on the Zoning Board of Appeals as recommended by the Township Supervisor.
15. Closed session to consult with the Township attorney regarding trial or settlement strategy in connection with Catholic Healthcare International, Inc v. Genoa Charter Township; 21-cv-11303 pursuant to MCL 15.268(1)(e).
A. Consider motion to enter into closed session to consult with the Township attorney regarding trial or settlement strategy pursuant to MCL 15.268(1)(e). (roll call)
B. Consider motion to conclude the closed session and return to open session. (roll call)
Member Discussion
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.