FEBRUARY 21, 2023
6:30 P.M.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Election of Officers:
Approval of Agenda:
Call to the Public: (Please Note: The Board will not begin any new business after 10:00 p.m)
Old Business:
1. 23-03…A request by Chaldean Catholic Church of the United States, 7000 McClements Road, for a height variance to construct a zip line.( Requested to be postponed to the March 21, 2023 ZBA meeting)
New Business:
2. 23-05… A request by Jeffery Parkkila, 1776 S. Hughes Road, for front and waterfront yard setback variances and any other variance deemed necessary by the Zoning Board of Appeals to construct an addition to an existing home.
3. 23-06…A request by Yvette Whiteside, 5780 Glen Echo, for a front yard setback and lot coverage variance and any other variance deemed necessary by the Zoning Board of Appeals to construct a roof over existing patios.
4. 23-07…A request by Derek MacCallum, 7901 Birkenstock Dr., for a front yard setback variance and a fence height variance and any other variance deemed necessary by the Zoning Board of Appeals to allow an inground pool in the front yard.
5. 23-08…A request by Jason Jacobs, 6094 Brighton Road, for a front yard, side yard setback variance and any other variance deemed necessary by the Zoning Board of Appeals to allow a detached accessory building in the front yard.
Administrative Business: