Regular Meeting
November 21, 2022
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person) *:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills: November 21, 2022
2. Request to approve November 7, 2022 regular meeting minutes
3. Request Board approval to adjust the Refuse Special Assessment Roll, #X0012, and to adjust the 2022 Winter tax roll accordingly for parcel numbers 4711-09-201-243, 4711-19-300-008, 4711-26-300-044, 4711-33-401-016, 4711-34-403-006, and 4711-34-403-007.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
4. Consideration of a recommendation for approval and adoption of rezoning ordinance number Z-22-03 and associated Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement, impact assessment and conceptual PUD site plan. The request is to rezone approximately 52 acres from the Neighborhood Service District, Medium Density Residential district and the Town Center Overlay district to a Residential Planned Unit Development overlay of the High Density Residential District (HDR) to allow for 204 apartments units with a net density of 6.23 units per acre. The property consists of two vacant parcels with parcel ID numbers 4711-11-300-014 and 4711-14-100-002 located at the southeast corner of Grand River and Dorr Road. The request is petitioned by Grand River Dorr, LLC.
a. Disposition of Rezoning Ordinance Z-22-03 (requires roll call vote)
b. Disposition of PUD Agreement
c. Disposition of Impact Assessment
d. Disposition of Conceptual PUD Site Plan
5. Request to approve the proposal from Douglas Electric dated November 4, 2022 for the Township Hall parking lot and driveway lighting improvements excluding and deducting both alternates for a total construction project cost not to exceed $145,325.50 ($126,370 + 15% contingency).
6. Consideration of Resolution 221121 for Censure and Reprimand of the Township Clerk, Paulette Skolarus. (requires roll call vote)
a. If necessary, consider motion to enter into closed session under the Open Meetings Act, MCL 15.268(h) to consider material exempt from discussion or disclosure by state or federal statute (attorney-client communications). (requires roll call vote and 2/3 majority)
b. Consider motion to adjourn the closed session and reconvene in open session. (roll call)
Member Discussion
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.