Regular Meeting
October 17, 2022
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person) *:
Consent Agenda:
1) Payment of Bills: October 17, 2022
2) Request to approve Minutes: October 3, 2022
Regular Agenda:
3) Request to approve water rate adjustments in response to the City of Brighton’s revised fee schedule effective December 1, 2022 as recommended by the accountants and Utility Director as follows:
a) Increase the Lake Edgewood Conference Center Quarterly Water Fee to $7.06/1,000 gallons from $6.43/1,000 gallons;
b) Increase the Lake Edgewood Other Quarterly water fee to $6.76/1,000 gallons from $6.16/1,000 per 1,000 gallons;
c) Hold the applicable Brighton City water connection fee at $2,802 per REU and the sewer connection at $7,198 per REU.
4) Consideration of a recommendation for approval of an amendment to the Saint Joseph Mercy Health Planned Unit Development Agreement, final PUD site plan and environmental impact assessment to construct a proposed 175,043 sq. ft. 4-story hospital addition to an existing medical building. The project is located at 7575 Grand River Avenue, north side of Grand River Avenue and west of Bendix Road. The request is petitioned by Trinity Health-Michigan.
a) Disposition of the Amended and Restated PUD Agreement
b) Disposition of the Environmental Impact Assessment (dated 3-30-22)
c) Disposition of the Final PUD site plan (dated 9-16-22)
5) Consideration of a recommendation for approval of an amendment to a previously approved site plan for a climate-controlled indoor commercial storage business located at 2630 E. Grand River Avenue, south side of Grand River, east of Chilson Road. The request is petitioned by Schafer Construction, Inc.
6) Request for approval of a transfer of a Class C liquor license from NPZ Group LLC at 7749 E. M-36, Hamburg Township to CBOCS Properties, Inc. (Cracker Barrel) at 7925 Conference Center Drive, Genoa Township.
7) Consideration of amendments to the Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget for the General Fund, Fund 101 to reflect the impact of the resignation of the Township Manager and the internal promotions to fill the Manager and Planning Director positions as follows:
a) Increase Dept. 172 - Township Manager, “Salary” Line Item 101-172-702-014 from $139,513 to $166,435.08.
b) Decrease Dept. 261 - Unallocated, “Retirement” Line Item 101-261-718-001 from $121,000 to $119,505.
c) Decrease Dept. 701 - Planning and Zoning, “Planning and Zoning Wages and Salaries” Line Item 101-701-703-000 from $218,760 to $176,889.12.
8) Consideration of amendments to the Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Budget for the Parks and Recreation Fund, Fund 208 as follows:
a) Increase Dept. 751 – Parks & Recreation, “Park Master Plan” Line Item 208-751-934-006 to cover the cost of survey work and wetland delineation for the Township park acquisition parcels from $10,000 to $20,850.
b) Decrease to zero Dept. 751 – Parks & Recreation, Line Item 208-751-934-003 for the Pedestrian Crossing at Grand River and Speedway due to MDOT consideration for the project.
c) Decrease to zero Dept. 751 – Parks & Recreation, Line Item 208-751-934-009 for the Pedestrian Crossing at Grand River and Golf Club due to MDOT consideration for the project.
d) Create new Dept. 751 – Parks & Recreation, line item number 208-751-934-012 for the “Grand River Sidewalk Infill design/easement” project with a budget amount of $55,000.
Member Discussion
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.