Regular Meeting/Public Hearing
July 19, 2021
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person)*:
Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills: July 19, 2021
2. Request to Approve Minutes: June 21, 2021 and July 6, 2021
Regular Agenda:
3. Request for approval of Resolution #1 (to proceed with the project and direct preparation of the plans and cost estimates) for the Black Oaks Trail Road Improvement Project. (Roll Call)
4. Request for approval of Resolution #2 (to approve the project, schedule the first hearing and direct issuance of statutory notices) for the Black Oaks Trail Road Improvement Project Improvement Project. (Roll Call)
5. Public hearing for the Pardee Lake Aquatic Weed Control Reimbursement Special Assessment Project (Winter 2021).
A. Call to the Property Owners.
B. Call to the Public.
C. Request for approval of Resolution #3 [approving the project cost estimates, special assessment district and causing the special assessment roll to be prepared] for the Pardee Lake Aquatic Weed Control Reimbursement Special Assessment Project (Winter 2021). (Roll Call)
D. Request for approval of Resolution #4 [acknowledging the filing of the special assessment roll, scheduling the second hearing, and directing the issuance of statutory notices Pardee Lake Aquatic Weed Control Reimbursement Special Assessment Project (Winter 2021). (Roll Call)
6. Request for approval of Resolution #5 [confirming the special assessment roll] for the Darlene Drive Road Improvement Project Special Assessment District (Winter 2021).
A. Call to the Property owners and the public.
B. Request for approval of Resolution #5 [confirming the special assessment roll] for the Darlene Drive Road Improvement Project Special Assessment District (Winter 2021).
7. Request for approval of Resolution #5 [confirming the special assessment roll] for the Grand Beach Aquatic Weed Control Project Special Assessment District (Winter 2021).
A. Call to the Property owners and the public.
B. Request for approval of Resolution #5 [confirming the special assessment roll] for the Grand Beach Aquatic Weed Control Project Special Assessment District (Winter 2021).
8. Consideration of a recommendation for approval of an environmental impact assessment (9/2/20) for a proposed parking lot at 1183 Fendt Drive to be used in conjunction with the existing UPS Facility on the west side of Fendt Drive. The request is petitioned by Hugo Ceron, SME.
9. Consideration of a recommendation for approval of an environmental impact assessment for a proposed 31 space parking lot on the adjacent parcel of 1183 Parkway Drive, southeast corner of Parkway Drive and Grand River Avenue for The Learning Tree. The request is petitioned by The Learning Tree.
10. Request for approval of resolution to request Michigan DNR assistance for the management and control of mute swans. (Roll Call)
11. Request for approval of appointments of Township officials to commissions and committees as recommended by the Township Supervisor.
Member Discussion
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.