OCTOBER 20, 2020
6:30 P.M.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Approval of Agenda:
Call to the Public: (Please Note: The Board will not begin any new business after 10:00 p.m)
Old Business:
1. 20-15 … A request by Chestnut Development, 6253 Grand River, for a height variance for an addition to an existing monument sign.
2. 20-16… A request by Chad Newton, vacant lot located on the northwest corner of Grand River Ave. and Wildwood Drive (4711-10-301-033), for a variance to allow an addition to an existing nonconforming detached accessory structure.
3. 20-18 … A request by Ventures Design, 3470 Pineridge Lane, for a waterfront setback variance to install a swimming pool and a variance to construct retaining walls in the required waterfront yard.
New Business:
4. 20-20 … A request by Sarah Lanning, 2638 Hubert Road, for a size variance to allow for an existing addition to remain on a detached accessory structure.
5. 20-21 … A request by Philip and Melissa Castelyn, 1717 S. Hughes Road, for a side yard variance to construct an addition on an existing single family home.
Administrative Business: