JUNE 15, 2020
Reason: As a result of the Executive Order 2020-42 and the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) June 15, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. will be held electronically to avoid the spread and potential contact with the virus.
Procedures: Public wishing to address the Board to provide input or ask questions on any business on the agenda may participate in the call to the public by the calling 810-227-5225 or by emailing questions to:
Disabilities: Persons with a disability may participate with the use of an attendant or by requesting, in advance, accommodations to participate in the meeting.
Regular Meeting
June 15, 2020
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person)*:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills.
2. Request to Approve Minutes: May 18, 2020
3. Request for approval of a fireworks display on Lake Chemung on June 27, 2020 as submitted by Chris Bonk.
4. Request for approval of a fireworks display at Oak Pointe Country Club on July 3, 2020 as submitted by Michael Freeland of Ace Pyro Inc.
5. Request for approval of a fireworks display at 4127 Clifford Road on July 4, 2020 as submitted by Cal Heckman.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
6. Request to approve HRC, Inc. proposal for design of the Oak Pointe WTP Iron Removal Filter backwash replacement project as request by Greg Tatara, Utility Director.
7. Consideration of a request by Robert Jadan and Jeffrey Murdock to have connection fees waived for a proposed Tubby’s Sub Shop to be located at the former Lake Chemung Party Store at 1462 Hughes Road.
8. Introduction of a proposed rezoning and authorization of statutory notice for a public hearing on July 6, 2020 concerning a rezoning request from Office Service District (OSD) to General Commercial District (GCD) with a Redevelopment Planned Unit Development (RDPUD) overlay located at 4525 and 4533 E. Grand River Avenue and 1098 Lawson Drive on the northwest corner of Grand River Avenue and Lawson Drive. The request is for the following parcels: 4711-09-200-005, 010, 014, 015, 016 and 017. The request is petitioned by BMH Realty, LLC.
9. Consideration of a recommendation of approval for a minor amendment to the special land use site plan for a previously approved special use permit for outdoor storage for Home Depot located at 3330 Grand River Avenue. The request is petitioned by Scott A. Mommer.
A. Disposition of minor amendment to special land use site plan (04-29-20)
Member Discussion
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.