MARCH 9, 2020
6:30 P.M.
CALL TO THE PUBLIC: (Note: The Board reserves the right to not begin new business after 10:00 p.m.)
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING #1…Consideration of a special use application, impact assessment and sketch plan for a proposed adult foster care small group home for up to 6 adults located at 3201 E. Coon Lake Road, Howell on the north side of Coon Lake Road between Richardson and Westphal Roads. The request is petitioned by Work Skills, Inc.
A. Recommendation of Special Use Application
B. Recommendation of Environmental Impact Assessment (2-3-2020)
C. Recommendation of Sketch Plan (2-6-2020)
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING #2…Review of a special use application, impact assessment and sketch plan for a proposed holistic veterinary clinic located at 2829 E. Grand River Avenue, Howell on the north side of Grand River Avenue between Char Ann and Meadowview Drive. The request is petitioned by Dr. Matthew Januszewski.
A. Recommendation of Special Use Application
B. Recommendation of Environmental Impact Assessment (1-30-2020)
C. Recommendation of Sketch plan (2-5-2020)
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING #3…Review of a rezoning application, PUD application, PUD agreement, impact assessment and Conceptual PUD Plan for a proposed Non-Residential Planned Unit Development (NRPUD) with a proposed medical complex that includes a hospital, emergency center and medical office building. The rezoning request is from Public Recreation Facilities and Industrial (PRF and IND) to Non-Residential Planned Unit Development (NRPUD) for properties located at 4444 E. Grand River and vacant lot 2 on Parkway Drive. The request is for the following parcels: 4711-09-100-015 and 4711-09-100-020. The request is petitioned by Trinity Health.
A. Recommendation of Rezoning and PUD Application
B. Recommendation of PUD Agreement
C. Recommendation of Impact Assessment (2-19-2020)
D. Recommendation of Conceptual Plan (2-18-2020)
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING #4…Review of a rezoning application, PUD application, PUD agreement, impact assessment, and conceptual PUD plan for a proposed Redevelopment Planned Unit Development (RDPUD) with a new 37,275 sq. ft. indoor climate controlled storage building, a 7,000 sq. ft. multi-use building and a 2,336 sq. ft. commercial or drive-through restaurant. The rezoning requested is from Office Service District (OSD) to General Commercial District (GCD) with a Redevelopment Planned Unit Development (RDPUD) overlay located at 4525 and 4533 E. Grand River Avenue and 1098 Lawson Drive on the northwest corner of Grand River Avenue and Lawson Drive. The request is for the following parcels: 4711-09-200-005, 010, 014, 015, 016 and 017. The request is petitioned by BMH Realty, LLC.
A. Recommendation of Rezoning and PUD Application
B. Recommendation of PUD Agreement
C. Recommendation of Impact Assessment (2-19-2020)
D. Recommendation of Conceptual PUD Plan (2-19-2020)