Regular Meeting and Public Hearing
September 16, 2019
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person)*:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills.
2. Request to Approve Minutes: August 19, 2019
Approval of Regular Agenda:
3. Presentation by Ken Palka of Pfeffer, Hanniford and Palka with regard to results of the audit for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2019.
4. Consideration of a recommendation for approval of a preliminary site condominium site plan and impact assessment for a proposed 106 attached residential units within 29 buildings for Westbury Phase II. The property in question is located north of the intersection of Whitehorse Drive and Arundell Drive. This property is located within the Lorentzen Planned Unit Development and was previously approved for 137 apartment units. The request is petitioned by Singh Development Company.
A. Disposition of Environmental Impact Assessment (6-28-19)
B. Disposition of Preliminary Site Condominium Plan (8-28-19)
5. Consideration of a recommendation for approval of an environmental impact assessment for a proposed 11,000 sq. ft. addition to an existing Brighton Area Fire Department building located at 2755 Dorr Road, Brighton. The request is petitioned by Partners in Architecture, PLC.
A. Disposition of Environmental Impact Assessment (8-21-19)
6, Consideration of recommendation for approval of a site plan and impact assessment requesting final site condominium approval for a proposed 19 unit site condominium known as “The Ridge”. The property in question is located on approximately 30.8 acres at 4242 Bauer Road (parcel # 4711-26-200-002) on the west side of Bauer Road, between White Pines Drive and Challis Road. The request is petitioned by John Moretti.
A. Disposition of Environmental Impact Assessment (6-13-19)
B. Disposition of Final Site Condominium Plan (8-20-19)
7. Request for approval of Resolution #1 (to proceed with the project and direct preparation of the plans and cost estimates) for Elmhurst Drive Road Improvement Project Summer 2020. (Roll Call)
8. Request for approval of Resolution #2 (to approve the project, schedule the first hearing, and direct issuance of statutory notices) for the Elmhurst Dive Road Improvement Project Summer 2020. (Roll Call)
9. Request to approve a contract with the Livingston County Road Commission for overband crack sealing approximately .98 miles of Timberbend and Old Hickory Road at a cost not to exceed $7,000.00.
10. Consider a request from Advanced Communications and Data for a permit extension to the Metro Act Right of Way to expire August 11, 2024.
11. Request to approve the proposal from Renovations Roofing for the Township Hall roof replacement at a cost not to exceed $56,205.00.
12. Consider approval of a contract with Pfeffer, Hanniford and Palka to provide auditor services.
Member Discussion
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.