Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Approval of Agenda:
Call to the Public: (Please Note: The Board will not begin any new business after 10:00 p.m.)
Old Business:
1. 17-29… A request by Brian and Carol Morgan, 1054 Sunrise Park, for a front yard variance to construct a roof over a deck.
New Business:
1. 18-01 … A request by Robert Lay, 1824 S. Hughes, for a 3’ front yard variance (32’ setback) and a 2’ side yard variance (3’ setback) to build a second story addition to an existing single family home.
2. 18-02 … A request by Alice and Allen Beckner, 3679 Conrad Road, for a 20’ front yard variance (15’ setback) to construct a new single family home.
3. 18-03 … A request by Marc Kremers, 1230 Sunrise Park, for a 12’ front yard variance (23’ setback) to construct a new single family home.
Administrative Business:
1. Approval of minutes for the January 16, 2018 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.
2. Correspondence
3. Township Board Representative Report
4. Planning Commission Representative Report
5. Zoning Official Report
6. Member Discussion
7. Adjournment