CALL TO THE PUBLIC: (Note: The Board reserves the right to not begin new business after 10:00 p.m.)
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING #1… Review of special use applications, impact assessment and site plan for proposed 9,200 square feet contractor’s office, warehouse and storage yard. Special land use approvals are requested for outdoor storage, storage of hazardous materials, and grading activities within 25-foot natural features setback. The property is located on the east side of Victory Drive, south of Grand River Avenue on vacant parcel# 11-05-303-025. The request is petitioned by Seaside Seawalls.
Planning Commission disposition of petition:
A. Recommendation of Special Use Application – Outdoor Storage
B. Recommendation of Special Use Application – Storage of hazardous materials
C. Recommendation of Special Use Application – Grading within natural features setback
D. Recommendation of Impact Assessment (6-22-16)
E. Recommendation of Site Plan (6-22-16)
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING #2…Review of a rezoning application and impact assessment to rezone approximately 64 acres from RR and PRF to CE for the following parcels: #11-12-100-007, 008, 010, 011, 012, 013. The parcels are located on the east side of Euler Road south of McClements Road in Brighton. The request is petitioned by Joyce Oliveto.
Planning Commission disposition of petition:
A. Recommendation of Rezoning
B. Recommendation of Impact Assessment (6-22-16)
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING #3…Review of an impact assessment and site plan for a proposed parking lot expansion and carport structure located at the rear of the Livingston County complex located at 2300 E. Grand River, Howell. The request is petitioned by Livingston County Building Department.
Planning Commission disposition of petition:
A. Recommendation of Impact Assessment (6-1-16)
B. Disposition of Site Plan (6-22-16)
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING #4…Review of an impact assessment and site plan for a parking lot addition for new vehicle parking area at the existing Bob Maxey Ford located at 2798 E. Grand River, Howell. The request is petitioned by SRM Associates, LLC.
Planning Commission disposition of petition:
A. Recommendation of Impact Assessment (6-22-16)
B. Disposition of Site Plan (6-22-16)
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING #5…Review of an impact assessment and site plan for the proposed construction of a new 9,600 sq.ft. showroom and an 11,750 sq.ft. storage building for the existing Wilson Marine located at 5866 Grand River Howell. The request is petitioned by Wilson Marine.
Planning Commission disposition of petition:
A. Recommendation of Impact Assessment (dated 6-1-16, received 6-27-16)
B. Disposition of Site Plan (6-27-16)
OPEN PUBLIC HEARING #6…Review of sketch plan for a proposed 1,200 sq. ft. storage building for the existing Brighton Church of Nazarene located at 7669 Brighton Road, Brighton. The request is petitioned by Brighton Nazarene Church.
Planning Commission disposition of petition:
A. Disposition of Sketch Plan (6-22-16)