July 18, 2016
Regular Meeting and Public Hearing
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public (Public comment will be limited to two minutes per person)*:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills.
2. Request to Approve Minutes: June 20, 2016
3. Request for approval of re-appointments for terms expiring on the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Commission.
4. Request to amend the Sunrise Park (Roads 2016) Special Assessment District by deleting Tax Parcel #4711-04-400-003.
5. Request to approve the election payroll as recommended by the Election Commission.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
6. Public hearing on the Pardee Lake Aquatic Weed Control Project Winter 2016
A. Call to the property Owners
B. Call to the Public
7. Request for approval of Resolution No. 5 [confirming the special assessment roll] for the Pardee Lake Aquatic Weed Control Improvement Project.
8. Presentation from the Howell Area Parks and Recreation Authority regarding the 2016 Recreation Ballot.
9. Presentation from Brighton Area Schools regarding recreational opportunities for Genoa Charter Township residents.
10. Consideration of a request to approve the Environmental Impact Assessment (06-01-2016) corresponding to a site plan for a proposed parking lot expansion and carport structure located at the rear of the Livingston County complex located at 2300 E. Grand River, Howell. The request is petitioned by Livingston County Building Department.
11. Consideration of a request to approve the Environmental Impact Assessment (07-13-2016) and gravel surface area which corresponds to a site plan for a parking lot addition for new vehicle parking at the existing Bob Maxey Ford located at 2798 E. Grand River, Howell. The request is petitioned by SRM Associates, LLC.
12. Request for approval of Resolution No. 1 [confirming the creation of a Special Assessment District] for the Grand Beach Aquatic Weed Control Improvement Project.
13. Request for approval of Resolution No. 2 [to approve the project and schedule the first public hearing] for the Grand Beach Aquatic Weed Control Improvement Project.
14. Request for approval of Resolution No. 1 [confirming the creation of a Special Assessment District] for the Oak Pointe Honors Road Improvement Project.
15. Request for approval of Resolution No. 2 [to approve the project and schedule the first Public Hearing] for the Oak Pointe Honors Road Improvement Project.
16. Request for annual rate adjustments for the Lake Edgewood Water and Pine Creek Sewer and Water Customers as recommended by Utility Director Greg Tatara.
17. Consider approval of a contract with Concrete Construction for 2016 Grand River Sidewalk installation in the amount of $408,057.43.
18. Consider approval of a Construction Phase Services Proposal from Tetra Tech for 2016 Grand River sidewalk (Kellogg to Hacker) construction in the amount of $40,000.
19. Consider entering into closed session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to MCL 15.268 § 8 (e).
Member Discussion
*Citizen’s Comments- In addition to providing the public with an opportunity to address the Township Board at the beginning of the meeting, opportunity to comment on individual agenda items may be offered by the Chairman as they are presented.