Regular Meeting
June 1, 2015
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public*:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills.
2. Request to Approve Minutes: May 18, 2015
3. Request to approve the 2015 Genoa Township Millage Rate as requested by Assessor Debra Rojewski.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
4. Consideration of PUD Amendment, environmental impact assessment and site plan for a proposed 60,000 square foot, three story medical office building located on parcel 4711-09-100-036 at 1201 S. Latson Road, Howell, Michigan. Petitioned by Providence Health System.
a. Disposition of PUD Amendment received on 5/21/15.
b. Disposition of Environmental Impact Assessment revised on 5/4/15.
c. Disposition of Site Plan revised on 5/20/15.
5. Consideration of a rezoning (Ordinance Z-15-02) for parcels 4711-11-300-021, 4711-11-300-27, and 4711-11-300-28 totaling approximately 4.19 acres located in Section 11 at 6253 Grand River Avenue, Howell. The requested rezoning is to remove the Town Center Overlay District from the property which will change the zoning from General Commercial District/Town Center Overlay (GCD/TC) to General Commercial District (GCD). The request is petitioned by Chestnut Development, LLC.
a. Public hearing and adoption of Ordinance Z-15-02.
6. Consideration of an environmental impact assessment corresponding to a site plan for a proposed 15,480 sq. ft. office building located at 6253 Grand River Avenue between Hughes Road and Kellogg Road on parcels 4711-11-300-021, 27, and 28. The request is petitioned by Chestnut Development, LLC.
a. Disposition of Environmental Impact Assessment dated 12/01/14.
7. Consider approval of a request to the Livingston County Road Commission for a speed study on McClements Road between Kellogg and Hacker.
8. Discussion of newsletter articles to be included in the summer tax bills.
Member Discussion