Regular Meeting
April 20, 2015
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public*:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills.
2. Request to Approve Minutes: April 6, 2015
3. Request for a fireworks display permit submitted by Calvin Heckman Jr. for a display scheduled July 18, 2015 at Mt. Brighton sponsored by the Brighton Alumni Reunion.
4. Request for a fireworks display permit submitted by Calvin Heckman Jr. for a display scheduled July 4, 2015 with a rain date of July 5, 2015 at Tri-Lakes Association.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
5. Introduction for a proposed rezoning of 1.11 acres of land located at 3838 E. Grand River (Parcel #4711-05-400-025) from Regional Commercial District (RCD) to Non-Residential Planned Unit Development (NR-PUD) and authorization of statutory notice for a public hearing on May 4, 2015.
6. Request to direct staff to initiate a special assessment district for the completion of the West Northshore reconstruction project.
7. Discussion regarding litter in the rights-of-way in Genoa Township.
8. Consider approval of employment contracts.
Member Discussion