October 21, 2014, 6:30 P.M.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Approval of Agenda:
Call to the Public: (Please Note: The Board will not begin any new business after 10:00 p.m.)
1. 14-25 … A request by Chilson Pointe LLC, 4666 Brighton Road, for a variance from the maximum allowable size of a detached accessory building and a rear yard setback variance to construct a
detached accessory structure.
2. 14-26 … A request by Donald Davis, 3907 Homestead, for a front yard setback variance to construct a second story addition on a single family home.
3. 14-27 … A request by Todd and Julie Hutchins, 3350 S. Latson Road, for a variance to allow an accessory building to be located on a parcel without a principal building.
4. 14-28 … A request by Scott and Marilyn Kiefer, 3695 Highcrest, for a front yard setback variance and a side yard setback variance to build an addition to an existing home.
5. 14-29 … A request by Steven C. Liedel and Janine K. Fogg, Parcel ID 4711-28-401-023, Oak Tree Court, Lot 23, for a rear yard setback variance to build a new home.
Administrative Business:
1. Approval of minutes for the Sept 16, 2014 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.
2. 2013 Annual Report Executive Summary
3. Election of a Vice Chair
4. Correspondence
5. Township Board Representative Report
6. Planning Commission Representative Report
7. Zoning Official Report
8. Member Discussion
9. Adjournment