March 17, 2014
6:25 p.m.
Call to Order
Approval of the Agenda
1. Consideration of a request to recommend to the Genoa Charter Township Board the appointment of Angie Williams, Cathy Dhulster, Susan Sitner to serve as poll workers for the Special Election being held by Pinckney and Hartland School Districts on May 6, 2014.
Regular Meeting and Public Hearing
March 17, 2014
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to the Public*
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills.
2. Request to approve minutes: March 3, 2013
Approval of Regular Agenda:
3. Request for approval of a single amendment to line item Repairs and Maintenance (101-265-775-000) from $125,000.00 to $175,000.00 for the fiscal year ending 03/31/2014 in the General Fund.
4. Review of the General Fund Budget proposed for the fiscal year ending 03/31/2015.
A. Call to the Public for comment.
B. Approval of salaries for the Supervisor, Clerk and Treasurer (note: in addition to the longevity bonus as previously approved).
C. Approval of Salaries for Trustees, Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals.
D. Approval of a 3% increase for all clerical and accounting staff as related to the Township Personnel Manual and with the exception for those with step increases as recommended by the
Administrative Committee.
E. Approval of the General Fund Budget for the Fiscal Year ending 03/31/2015.
5. Request for approval of Budgets for Liquor Law #212; Road Improvement Fund #261; Road, Lake, Lighting Reimbursement Fund #264; Future Development Parks; and Recreation Fund #270 and the Building Reserve Fund #271.
6. Request for approval of the following debt service fund budgets for fiscal year ending March 31, 2015: 854 thru 859, 862, 864, 870, 872, 873, and 875 as provided by Treasurer Hunt.
7. Consider a resolution vacating a portion of Highland Avenue in the Crooked Lake Highlands Subdivision as recommended by the Township Attorney.
Member Discussion