Regular Meeting
March 3, 2014
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public*:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills.
2. Request to approve minutes: Feb. 17, 2013
3. Request Board approval to add - X2504-Brighton City Usage of $790.67 to Parcel #4711-25-400-049 on the 2013 Winter tax roll as submitted by the Township Treasurer.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
4. Request for approval of Resolution 140303 regarding assistance from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in the removal of nuisance geese.
5. Discussion regarding draft ordinance amendment regarding temporary sales and events.
6. Discussion and possible determination of Township participation in a proposed Grand Oaks Road Improvement Special Assessment District.
7. Request for approval of the Lake Edgewood Sewer, Oak Pointe Sewer, and Oak Pointe Water Rate Analysis.
8. Review of the January 21, 2014 minutes of the Board with regard to an increase in refuse collection related to the Federal Consumer Price Index and the relationship to the contract rate and adjustments with Duncan that expires July 31, 2016.
9. Discussion regarding an analysis of the Township's cemetery needs.
Member Discussion