October 8, 2013
6:30 P.M.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Approval of Agenda:
Declaration of Conflict of Interest:
Call to the Public: (Please Note: The Board will not begin any new business after 10:00 p.m.)
1. 13-22…A request by Dr. Cyr and Patricia Crane, 4283 Clifford Road, for a shoreline set back variance to construct an addition to the existing house.
2. 13-26…A request by Oren and Jill Lane, Section 9, 623 Sunrise Park, for a variance from the maximum required lot coverage, side yard setback, and front yard setback to build a new single
family dwelling.
3. 13-27… A request by Ronald Socia, Section 22, 3950 Highcrest Drive, to modify the variance granted on June 18, 2013 in order to remove the condition that limits the applicant's ability to
increase the height of the structure.
Administrative Business:
1. Approval of minutes for the September 17, 2013 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.
2. Review Draft By-laws
3. Correspondence
4. Township Board Representative Report
5. Planning Commission Representative Report
6. Zoning Official Report
7. Member Discussion
8. Adjournment