Regular Meeting
September 16, 2013
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public*:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills.
2. Request to approve minutes: September 3, 2013.
3. Request Board approval to remove Parcel #4711-27-101-021 from the East/West Crooked Lake Weed Assessment roll and to correct the 2013 Summer tax roll as submitted by the Township
4. Request for an extension to the Township Manager's employment agreement.
5. Recommendation by the clerk to appoint officials to work the Nov. 5, 2013 Special Election requesting millage approval for roads.
6. Request to award contract in the amount of $103,865 to Nagle Paving for parking lot expansion and driveway reconstruction.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
7. Dangerous building hearing for 5171 Walnut Hills.
8. Review of site plan, special use, and environmental impact assessment for proposed 16,120 square-foot gymnasium and classroom addition for Brighton Nazarene Church, located at 7669 Brighton
Road in Section 25, petitioned by Brighton Nazarene Church.
Disposition of Petition
A. Disposition of Special Use
B. Disposition of Environmental Impact Assessment.
C. Disposition of Site Plan (July 30, 2013).
9. Consider request to enter into closed session for discussion pending litigation pursuant to Section 8(e) of the 1976 Open Meetings Act.
Member Discussion