Board of Trustees
Special Meeting
January 14, 2013
6:00 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public:
Approval of Regular Agenda:
1. Request for approval of rezoning agreement, impact assessment, rezoning plan and adoption of Ordinance #Z-13-01 to amend the zoning map of Genoa Charter Township by rezoning property located on the south side of Grand River Avenue between Hughes Road and Kellogg Road involving parcel numbers 11-14-100-014 and 11-14-200-011 from Rural Residential/Town Center (RR/TC) to Conditional Office Service District (conditional OSD) petitioned by Dakkota Intregrated Systems.
A. Disposition of Rezoning Agreement.
B. Disposition of Impact Assessment.
C. Disposition of Rezoning Site Plan.
D. Approval and adoption of Ordinance Z-13-01.