Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
November 19, 2012
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order:
Pledge of Allegiance:
Call to the Public:
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills.
2. Request to approve minutes: November 5, 2012.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
3. Request for approval to add 3 acres of land to the Genoa-Oceola sewer service district. The parcel of land is proposed for the development of a maximum of 3 one-acre lots to be divided from parcel 4711-11-100-024 which is to be served by a shared residential driveway located east of Pine Trace Court.
4. Request for approval of Resolution #3 (Approving Project, Cost Estimates, Special Assessment District and Causing the Special Assessment Roll to be Prepared for the East and West Crooked Lakes Aquatic Weed Control Improvement Project.
5. Request for approval of Resolution #4 (Acknowledging the Filing of the Special Assessment Roll, Scheduling the Second Hearing, and Directing the Issuance of Statutory Notices) for the East and West Crooked Lakes Aquatic Weed Control Improvement Project.
6. Presentation of the Comparative Statement of Revenues, Expenditures & Transfers with a three projection thru 2015 for all Township funds.
7. Request for approval of the first amendment to the General Fund for fiscal year ending March 31, 2013.
8. Request for approval of the first amendment to fund 264 (Road, Lake reimbursement Fund) with a three year projection thru 2015.
9.Request for approval of the following appointments that will expire on 11-20-2013: Jean Ledford to SELCRA, Jean Ledford and Paulette Skolarus to SEMCOG, Gary McCririe and Robin Hunt to Genoa/Oceola Sewer and Water Authority, Todd Smith and Gary McCririe (alternate) to Howell Area Parks and Recreation, Robin Hunt and Gary McCririe to MHOG, Paulette Skolarus to Greenways, Michael Archinal to FOIA Coordinator, Gary McCririe and Jim Mortensen to Brighton Fire Authority, Kelly VanMarter and Paul Edwards (alternate) to Huron River-Watershed Council, Todd Smith and Jean Ledford to Election Commission, and John Kirsh and Linda Rowell to Brownfield Development, Jim Mortensen to the Planning Commission, Jean Ledford to the Zoning Board of Appeals as presented by the Township Supervisor.
10. Request for approval of the following appointments that will serve a term from 1-1-13 to 12-31-14: Robert Lupi, Ron Matkin, Patricia Petrat and Barbara Figurski (alternate) for the Genoa Township Board of Review as presented by the Township Supervisor.
11. Request for approval of Resolution for Steve Wildman.
12. Consider request to enter into closed session for discussion pending litigation pursuant to Section 8(e) of the 1976 Open Meetings Act.
Member Discussion