Election Commission Meeting
July 21, 2008
6:25 p.m.
Call to Order
1. Consideration of election officials scheduled to work the August 5, 2008 Primary Election.
A. Recommendation to the Township Board
2. Consideration of salaries for officials working the August Primary and November General Election.
A. Recommendation to the Township Board
Regular Hearing
July 21, 2008
6:30 P.M.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to the Public
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills
2. Request to approve minutes: 7-07-08
3. Request for approval for a proposal from ADT for the purchase of one (1) DVR security camera system at $3,885.00.
4. Request for approval for the purchase of a wide format plotter at a cost of $10,884.00 and a color printer at a cost of $3,357.00
5. Request to approve the reappointment of Mike Howell to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term ending 6/30/11.
6. Request to approve the reappointment of Diana Lowe and Dean Tengel to the Planning Commission for a term ending 6/30/11.
7. Request for approval of election officials scheduled to work the August 5, 2008 Primary Election.
8. Request for approval of salaries for officials working the August Primary and November General Election.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
8. Request for approval of an agreement with Fonson Construction for improvements to Brighton Road as described in the Tetra Tech Opinion of Probable Cost dated 3/13/08 at a cost of $106,723.50.
9. Waste Management contract extension correspondence.
Member Discussion