Regular Meeting and Public Hearing
July 16, 2007
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to the Public
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills
2. Approval of Minutes: June 16, 2007
3. Request for DS Genoa Retail Center, Parcel #4711-13-103-001, to add connection fees of $64,900.00 to the Lake Edgewood West Sewer Roll (X2021) and $35,100.00 to the Lake Edgewood West Water Roll (X2525).
4. Review of extension of site plan approval for a parking lot expansion and related site improvements to the existing office utilized by Desine, Inc., located at 2183 Pless Drive, Sec. 13, petitioned by Desine Inc.
5. Request for approval of the purchase of 2 new replacement computer workstations and 1 new GIS computer performance workstation at the cost of $3,584.00 and approval of the purchase of an additional GIS user license for the GIS software at the cost of $2,813.42.
6. Request for approval of water and sewer rates for Pine Creek Water and Sewer as revised by Township Auditor Ken Palka.
7. Request to the County Board of Commissioners to waive permit fees for the construction of the new Genoa Township Fire Sub Station #35.
8. A. Reappointment of Zoning Board of Appeals member whose term expired on 06/30/07, extending that appointment for a three year term.
B. Appointment of two Planning Commissioners for a three year term.
9. Request for approval to purchase a drive up mail box at the cost of $529.00.
10. Request for approval of a $100.00 monthly increase in the salary of the Liquor Enforcement Officer as requested by the Administrative Committee.
11. Consider acceptance of a quit claim deed for property located in the east ¼ corner of Section 7 subject to final Township Attorney Review.
12. Consider motion to award a management contract for the construction of the Neilsen Fire Substation to Corrigan Construction.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
13. Consideration of request from Livingston County Economic Development Council for renewal of contract between EDC and Genoa Charter Township.
14. Request for approval of a revised Ordinance addressing the regulation of Solicitors and Peddlers within the Township.
15. Request for approval of Ordinance addressing Floodplain Management Provisions of the State Code.
16. Consideration of a request to authorize a publication and set a public hearing for August 6, 2007 at 6:30 p.m., for approval of amendments to Zoning Ordinance Articles 9,11,16,18, & 22. (07-16)
17. Request for approval of impact assessment and site plan for a proposed 38,900 sq. ft. clubhouse for the Oak Pointe Country Club located at 4500 Club Drive, Sec. 28, petitioned by Oak Pointe Country Club. (07-13)
18. Request for approval of a rezoning application, impact assessment, conceptual PUD plan and PUD agreement to rezone 10.4 acres located on the South-West corner of Sterling Drive and Dorr Road, (11-15-200-018) from IND (Industrial) to MUPUD (Mixed Use Planned Unit Development) to construct a 16,101 sq. ft. retail, 5,935 sq. ft. office and a 41,966 sq. ft. industrial buildings, petitioned by Sterling Development Properties, L.L.C. (07-11)
19. Request for approval of impact assessment for a 7,000 sq. ft. retail auto parts store located at 2797 E. Grand River, Sec. 6, petitioned by WXY Retail Group (07-07).
Member Discussion