Regular Meeting and Public Hearing
May 21, 2007
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to the Public
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills
2. Approval of Minutes: May 7, 2007
3. Approval of Minutes: May 16, 2007 Special Meeting
4. Request to authorize a publication and set a public hearing for June 4, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. for approval of a revised Ordinance addressing the regulation of Solicitors and Peddlers within the Township.
5. Approval of the Township Hall Rental policy
6. Approval of Mountaintop E.I.A. extension
Approval of Regular Agenda:
7. Public hearing for approval of Ordinance addressing Floodplain Management Provisions of the State Code.
8. Approval of the Community Resolution of Intent and the Intergovernmental Agreement between Genoa Charter Township and Livingston County for the FEMA National Floodplain Insurance Program
9. Review of a rezoning application, impact assessment, conceptual PUD plan and PUD agreement to rezone .60 acres located on the south side of Grand River Avenue, between Lucy Road and Chilson Road, (11-06-100-004) from GCD (General Commercial District) to RDPUD (Redevelopment Planned Unit Development) to construct a 5,200 sq. ft. retail/office building located at 2160 E. Grand River, petitioned by William Colley Architect.
10. Review of a special use application, impact assessment and site plan for a proposed fire substation and warning siren located east of Chilson Road between I-96 and Beck Road, Sec. 7, petitioned by Genoa Township.
Member Discussion