Regular Meeting
March 5, 2007
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to the Public
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills
2. Approval of Minutes: February 19, 2007
3. Resolution for approval for a Class C Licensed business to be located at the Shops of Westbury in Genoa Township for an Asian Fusion Style restaurant petitioned by Hong Hao and Pamela Meng.
4. Request approval for a special use, impact assessment and sketch plan for leasing and rental of truck and trailers, including outdoor storage and display of vehicles, located at 5670 E. Grand River, Sec.10, petitioned by Cedar Investments, L.L.C.
5. Request approval to adopt changes to the Genoa Charter Township Personnel Manual regarding medical insurance eligibility and personal time as recommended by the Administrative Committee.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
6. Request approval for an impact assessment and site plan for an architectural change to a previously approved site plan located at 7000 W. Grand River, Sec. 14, petitioned by Paul Esposito.
7. Request for approval of a fireworks display permit requested by John Fletcher.
8. Request for approval of Resolution No. 1 (to proceed with the project, directing preparation of the Plans and Cost Estimates and establish the First Public Hearing) for the Lake Chemung Aquatic Plant Control Project.
9. Request for approval of Resolution for Genoa Charter Township to consent to the terms of the proposed Consent Judgement to Vacate a portion of North Avenue in Crooked Lake Highlands Subdivision recommended by the Township Attorney.
10. Discussion regarding FY 2007/008 Annual Budget Review.
Member Discussion