Regular Meeting
March 19, 2007
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to the Public
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills
2. Approval of Minutes: March 5, 2007
3. Request for approval of a site plan application, impact assessment and site plan for 17,000 sq. ft. office building located at Unit 4, Genoa Business Park, Sec. 13, petitioned by RBS Companies, Inc. (07-09) (Planning Commission 3-12-07)
Approval of Regular Agenda:
4. Request for approval of the fiscal year budgets for beginning April 1, 2007 thru March 31, 2008; general fund, liquor law fund #212, future road improvement fund #261, road/lake improvement advances fund #264, parks recreation fund #270, building and grounds reserve fund #271, DPW utility fund #503.
A. Call to the public for comment
B. Disposition of general fund
C. Reaffirmation of salaries for elected officials (no change from previous year)
D. Approval of other misc. funds.
E. Approval of debt service funds# 854 thru #876
5. Discussion regarding a request to establish a special assessment district for operating costs associated with Baetcke Lake petitioned by the Baetcke Lake Homeowners Association.
6. Discussion regarding site plan compliance for Tax I.D. # 11-14-200-015.
Member Discussion