Special Meeting
April 16, 2007
Call to order
Approval of Agenda
1. Consideration of officials scheduled to work the May 8, 2007 School Election.
2. Consideration of salaries for election officials.
3. Recommendation to the Township Board with regard to salaries and officials.
Regular Meeting
April 16, 2007
6:30 p.m.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to the Public
Approval of Consent Agenda:
1. Payment of Bills
2. Approval of Minutes: April 2, 2007
Approval of Minutes: March 29, 2007
3. Request for approval of a bid from One Way Asphalt Paving and Excavating for shoulder repair, overbanding and sealcoating of the Township Hall parking lot and driveway in the amount of $2,998.
4. Request for approval of a recommendation from the Election Committee for officials and salaries for the May 8, 2007 school election.
5. Request for approval of a quote from Mica Crafters to relaminate the portable customer counter in the Township Hall lobby at a cost of $950.
6. Request for approval of a contribution to the Livingston County Department of Public Works Solid Waste Program in the amount of $500 for the Household Battery Collection Program.
Approval of Regular Agenda:
7. Request for approval of Resolution No. 4 (acknowledging the filing of the special assessment roll, scheduling the second hearing and directing the issuance of statutory notices) for the Lake Chemung Aquatic Plant Control Program reimbursement special assessment project (2008).
8. Request for approval of a proposal from TetraTech for survey and preliminary design to generate an Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost for subdivision paving and municipal water between Lake Chemung and Grand River in the amount of $5,000.
9. Request for approval of a proposal from TetraTech for integrated services for the construction of 3,100 lineal feet of 8 foot wide concrete sidewalk from Natanna to Latson Road. The project will match existing developer installed sidewalk and provide Americans with Disabilities Act ramps and slopes. Cost not to exceed $164,852.
Member Discussion